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  • Mga of the Week : August 10, 2010
  • Vocabulary :
  • subterfuge - something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity.
  • Quote :
  • Some people never grow old enough to be mature.
  • Thursday, January 31, 2008


    A person decides to himself what he wants to do with his life. Can we consider him mature? When can we say that a person is mature enough? I was once labelled immature, I don't know why... I was seen as having an extended childhood, that is, I treat things lightly.... But then I haven't change much from that point of view but I am labelled mature now. Is it my age?

    Maturity for me comes in different levels depending on the situation. In the events where you have vast experience, you are mature enough. Because you have acquired different solutions to the problem at hand. On the other hand, in issues wherein you don't have much knowledge, you are immature. Some people generalize others based on the nature of which they see this person.

    Maturity comes with age, of course, but there are no specifics on what particular age range. Each person comes with different degrees of maturity. A fully mature person is the one who distance himself from the situation and assess it from an angle where he can see all the aspects. Then slowly, enters back into the situation, in each step eliminating unreasonable and absurd scenarios. In the near end, he will be able to formulate a solution that may not be right at all times but is for the greater good. And then, stuck with it. And he can stuck with it because he had already seen all around it.

    Have you seen enough mature people around you? Do they act like a mature person? Do they talk maturely? Well, maybe, maybe not. But then, how do you know? Are you mature enough to spot these traits of a mature person? Writing here, do I know what I have just written? My assessment is that I may be mature enough in some aspects but not with other situationis.

    Then, maybe it's time to look at ourselves and determine to what degree our maturity is. We set the standards to ourselves and try to reach it... We can lower it or make it higher. It doesn't matter how other people see us. It is their perception, it is their convection to interpret what they see, it is their analysis to untangle what they hear. In the end, it is always us who takes the future of our life into maturity.


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